Because CLEARLY I am not old enough to have MY generation the theme of a 9-year-olds birthday party. And CLEARLY I can't have a daughter of my own attending said party.
I worked that denial for two weeks. I read the evite (which I hate to do because then they KNOW you KNOW about it!) which was adorable and lined with a rubics cube, walkman cassette player, and the birthday girl with a side pony tail.
"Come dressed!" Which means the MOM has to figure out something for the child to wear. I am blessed with a daughter who lets me give her an outfit for each day. But she was not into this 80's theme, didn't trust me and had to READ the invitation for herself before she let me talk further about neon and legwarmers.
Being the non-procrastinator that I am...on the morning of the party I went out to look for something for her to wear. I am a Gymboree shopper - but headed straight for Justice for girls - the store Olivia has called the "Hip-Hop" store. (When did she hear the word hip-hop??!!!)
Within five minutes I was texting my friend with "I have legwarmers with neon splatter-paint and a vest and skinny tie combo! This is awesome!!" It was a BLAST to shop. It was a blast to shop because the stores are FILLED with 80's apparel. (Not mentioning how sad/old this made me feel later).
$30 dollars and a trip to Target later, I headed home armed with leggings, legwarmers, pink neon shirt, wayfarer sunglasses, and...scrunchies! I think I just got rid of my last scrunchie in my makeup drawer when we moved two years ago.
Darling Daughter was thrilled with my purchases. She didn't think it was too 'hip-hop', and especially loved the sunglasses, which she insisted on wearing 'Rachael Ray' style on top of her head.
We listened to Tears for Fears and Duran Duran while curling and spraying her hair. She hated that part, but liked the outcome. She didn't want her hair too big. Too big? What? So I showed her how I used to wear my hair.
Oh. The joy. The joy of teasing my bangs. And then I did...the wings. I teased and sprayed the sides of my hair until they stood straight out, with a slight curve.
My husband was laughing so hard he had to leave the room when I excitedly exlaimed "Look! My hair remembers what to do!"
The birthday girl's mom was dressing up, so we dropped off O in all my big hair glory. All the moms loved getting their girls dressed, and the camraderie of 'they can't be doing an 80's party yet!' was very comforting : )
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